
Detox Step 7: Liver

The liver is our primary filtering organ, as it is necessary to clean the blood and lymphatic which neutralizes our waste and dumps it into the gut for elimination. The liver processes waste products in two steps, Phase One and Phase Two, breaking down lipid-based toxins and moving them on to the gut for elimination.

Lifestyle and Diet Tools Cruciferous vegetables (beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips); avoid grapefruit (slows down Phase 1 detox), avoid sugar, soft drinks, alcohol, and weight gain; no GMOs, no processed foods
Nutritional Support Tools Selenium and zinc, amino acids like glycine, cysteine (or NAC), taurine, and methionine, B12, B6, B1, B2, B3
Herbal Tools Healing 360 Herbal Liver Support and Detox Formula
Nutraceutical Tools NAC, PC, GSH, flavonoids, ellagic acid
Drainage Remedies Apo-Hepat
Glandular Therapies NALT glandular
Oxidative Support Tools GSH, vitamins A, C, E, selenium, NAC, ALA, berries, taurine, L-cysteine, quercetin, curcumin, pycnogenol, resveratrol, green tea extract, carotenoids alfa and beta
Detox Tools Coffee enema, castor oil packs, liver/gallbladder flush, ion foot bath, infrared sauna
Genetic Support Specific treatments dependent upon genetic profile

Liver Detox in Detail

The liver is our organ that processes fats, and many or the environmental toxins are made up partially of fat. Fatty toxins are difficult for the body to manage because they get stuck on cell surfaces. The liver processes waste products in two steps, Phase One and Phase Two, breaking down lipid-based toxins and moving them to the gut for elimination.

Phase One creates metabolic intermediaries that are more reactive, with a greater potential of causing inflammatory or partially broken down toxins delivered to the Phase Two detox functions that sorts the waste through specific pathways depending on the chemical structure. This is an enzymatic conjugation process that attaches lipids-like toxic material creating a more water soluble end product that is easier to clear through the body to be eliminated. These Phase Two liver detox pathways function like big funnels that are designed to attract specific compounds like drugs, hormones, metals, and environmental toxins. Once conjugated and broken down, these toxic materials get converted from lipid-based compounds to water soluble products that are much easier to move through the elimination process.

1. Lifestyle and Dietary Tools

  • Cruciferous vegetables as in beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips.

  • Citrus fruits like tangerines and oranges improve Phase 1 detox

  • Avoid grapefruit as it slows down the Phase 1 detox process

  • Minimize sugar, soft drinks

  • Minimize alcohol use

  • Avoid weight gain

2. Nutritional Support Tools

Selenium and zinc, amino acids like glycine, cysteine (or NAC), taurine, and methionine, B12, B6, B1, B2, B3.

3. Herbal Tools

Healing 360 Liver Support and Detoxification Herbal Formula

4. Nutraceutical Tools

  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

  • Liposomal glutathione (Seeking Health or QuickSilver brands are among the best)

  • Flavonoids as a supplement, or from food found in citrus

  • Ellagic acid is a polyphenol supplement, and can be found also in red grape skins, soy, cabbage, pomegranates, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cloudberries, walnuts, pistachios, cashews and pecans. This compound prevention of conditions like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

5. Drainage Remedies

apo-Hepat (Pekana) for the support of the liver and gallbladder.

6. Glandular Therapies

Glandular therapies need to come from animals living in countries that are BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, also known as "Mad Cow Disease") free. We recommend the Biotics brand as it uses ‘pure source’ neonatal animals from New Zealand. Their product Cytozyme LV is a liver glandular processed into capsules. The Ancestral brand Grass-Fed Beef Liver is also a good choice.

7. Oxidative Support Tools

  • Liposomal glutathione (Seeking Health or QuickSilver brands are among the best)

  • Healing 360 Antioxidant Support Supplement

  • Antioxidant berries: Goji, pomegranate, and acai

8. Detox Tools (Extra Credit)

  • Coffee enema

  • Castor oil packs

  • Liver/gallbladder flush

  • Ozone

  • Far infra-red (FIR) sauna

  • Ionic foot baths

These will be covered in an upcoming document on how and why each of these can be helpful for liver detoxification.

9. Genetic Support

Specific treatments dependent upon genetic profile.

Our picks for most effective Liver interventions

INTERVENTION #1: Lifestyle and Dietary Tools

Always start with Detox Tool #1: Avoid exposure and work with dietary and lifestyle measures first.

INTERVENTION #2: Oxidative Support Tools

Liposomal glutathione (Seeking Health or QuickSilver brands are among the best).

INTERVENTION #3: Drainage Remedies

apo-Hepat (Pekana) for the support of the liver and gallbladder.