Detox Step 5: Drainage
All our filtering organs (liver, kidney, lymphatic system, lung, skin, spleen, etc) benefit from drainage formulas that help move the waste more efficiently; each individual organ will be addressed separately as you move along through the 14 steps. All the blood from the venous system goes back to the liver to be filtered and broken down so that it can be delivered to the gut for elimination. The arterial blood coming from the heart and lungs delivers oxygen and nutrients picked up in the gut delivers this to the cells. When the arterial blood passes through the capillaries it becomes the venous blood that now has the metabolic end products of cellular metabolism such as free radicals, C02, along with other waste products that need to be cleared through the liver. The drainage remedies in this step are globally useful in acute and chronic health conditions.
Homeopathic high energy remedies that help organ drainage and immune processes
The Pekana brand specializes in spagyrics herbal preparations that combine specific herbs and into a more potent form. Drainage remedies help move waste products through our filtering organs:
Toxex for general whole body detoxification support
Apo-Hepat for liver detox and drainage
Renelix for kidney drainage
Itires drops and cream for lymphatic drainage
Defaeton drops for gut support
Apo-Stom drops for stomach and small intestinal support
Mundipur syrup for small and large intestine clean up and tonification
Alegno for spleen drainage
apo-PULM Expectorant syrup
Bronchi-Pertu syrup
Decut drops specific for healthy skin
Clauparest drops for circulation support
Cardinorma drops for circulation support